Friday, August 28, 2020
Bilingual Education
In this companion evaluated diary article â€Å"A Speech Community Model of Bilingual Education: Educating Latino Newcomers in the USA†composed by Ofelia Garcia and Lesley Bartlett the writers figure out how to address the current issue of bilingual instruction in the US. They do as such by directing a subjective contextual investigation at an isolated bilingual secondary school for Latino newcomers. They base their investigation off of a network secondary school in New York by the name of Gregorio Luperon High School. This particular school has a lion's share of Dominican understudies in a city with one of the most noteworthy medication and crime percentages, anyway they had the option to discover accomplishment with their Speech Community Model of bilingual training for foreigner youth. The principle key to this achievement was to â€Å"view second language obtaining as a social procedure expanding on the discourse network itself, and not similarly as the essential individual procedure. †(Par. 1) Gregorio Luperon High School is a network secondary school situated in Washington Heights, New York. The school opened in 1991 when a gathering of Dominican workers consolidated to figure out how to make getting English a simpler procedure for latino outsider youth. They needed an answer for the very high disappointment paces of latino youth in the New York City School frameworks. This school started as only two or multi month program before understudies were placed into standard schools however in the long run in 1999 transformed into an in reality secondary school. This school originates from a local that has a greater part of Dominicans, just as one of the most noteworthy city crime percentages, directly behind Harlem. This Schools educators are additionally all profoundly qualified outsider Dominicans who can relate and associate with their understudies on an entire diverse level. Bilingual Education is a subject that has never completely been bolstered over the US. As indicated by the latest numbers accessible from the U. S. Branch of Education There were around 5 million understudies named â€Å"English language learners†in the 2009-2010 school year. These English students are at an unmistakable inconvenience and are tossed into standard schools without qualified 2 instructors to train them. There is next to no consistency in these projects used to instruct these understudies just as numerous conflicts with states who favor the â€Å"English-just methodology. †Gregorio Luperon High School in Washington Heights needed better for their settler youth and found a superior elective strategy to secure the language. This particular High School utilized a technique which they decided to call the discourse network model of bilingual instruction. They center around macroacquisition; which is learning language for a bigger scope. The three elements they decide to concentrate on that have demonstrated to be the most significant in procuring a subsequent language were; relating to personality and culture, power structure impacting language and the jobs the networks play in learning a language. In this investigation they led they concentrated on explicit exploration addresses The Research led by Garcia and Bartlett was taken from a subjective contextual analysis where they acquainted an elective strategy with address the issues of latino worker youth. In this examination these particular inquiries were tended to; â€Å"How does the model of this school contrast from and how is it like different models presently offered for latino teenagers in the US? †,†What are the qualities of this model help newcomer latino adolescents instruction just as their English learning language? †And â€Å"What are the impediments of this model This article composed by Garcia and Bartlett bring up the significant parts of this elective model for bilingual instruction utilized and show how and why these novel techniques are effective for these latino newcomers. In this discourse network model utilized by the school they concentrated on seven principle factors. They accepted that these variables would be effective and would have the option to make youth increasingly open to talking uninhibitedly, assist them with distinguishing and feel progressively great with their way of life just as evening out the force relations among English and Spanish. They accept these seven variables are answerable for their understudies breezing through the Regents Exam and graduating High School. These effective components utilized are ; the nonattendance of understudies who are local speakers of English, nearness of local Spanish-talking 3 latino educators as the understudies models. Additionally the high status this school gives spanish and explicit English language procurement targets. They use bilingualism as their showing methodology and utilize Spanish to teach thoroughly and Spanish to associate profoundly to every individual understudy. They led this examination by watching and assembling information and utilized an investigative inductive methodology. They composed fieldnotes after every perception and meeting and started to discover associations with their speculation. The creators met up at regular intervals to audit the information gathered and to talk about. From that point they had the option to frame the seven attributes referenced before that they accepted would make Luperon school effective in their crucial helping latino settlers breeze through the Regents test and graduate secondary school. Garcia and Bartlett did an intensive activity in giving enough data in their article for future teachers, bilingual instructors and etymologists to grasp. This article not just found a fruitful elective strategy to obtaining english for latino newcomers yet it likewise gave an inside and out foundation of bilingual training being an issue in general. Bilingual Education is a hotly debated issue today and numerous foreigners are being tossed into standard schools hoping to get English without the best possible apparatuses and direction. Luperon anyway needed better for their understudies. Luperon dwelling in a Latino people group with numerous latino settlers framed a program that permitted their understudies to not just feel good with their way of life and in their school settings yet get what it takes to breeze through the Regents Exam and graduate secondary school. Despite the unquestionable achievement that Luperon got in this program, I do accept their were impediments to this investigation led by Garcia and Bartlett. The main impediment of this investigation being the isolation of these understudies. Setting these understudies into this isolated secondary school may permit them to get what they have to graduate secondary school however shouldn't something be said about after that? Breezing through the Regents Exam and graduating secondary school is only one little venturing stone they have reached contrasted with the 4 long excursion they have in front of them. Additionally by isolating these understudies the English they obtain is as yet restricted and from what they gain being in this program they lose by not being around english local speakers. Is this english they gained from this sufficiently model to find them a line of work? Do any of these understudies proceed with their instruction and set off for college? On the off chance that they do find a new line of work and proceed with their training is their English sufficient that they will succeed scholastically as well as in Society and in their Community? These are on the whole inquiries I would have jumped at the chance to see replied in this article composed by Garcia and Bartlett. A section where they tended to the â€Å"Aftermath†of this examination. They worked superbly concentrating on the model and why and how it was effective and even what the achievement rates were nevertheless I wish they could have followed up a year or so later on understudies and found where they were at throughout everyday life. Doing this I accept would have given the investigation greater validity, permitting me and different perusers to see that this program didn't simply help the understudies over this school year yet kept on continuing and assist them with succeeding scholastically and in Society also. Garcia and Bartlett furnish the perusers with an effective and elective technique into bilingual training. There is such little consistency in all the bilingual instruction programs gave everywhere throughout the US, information on a fruitful program like this can possibly be an immense advance a positive way for this disputable theme. Simply consolidating a portion of the thoughts that the writers recommended and utilized in their article can be gainful for future educators, language specialists and strategy producers. They accepted that the principle key to the accomplishment of this model was to see second language obtaining as all the more a social procedure expanding on the discourse network itself , and not simply the essential individual procedure. They did this by deciding to concentrate on three significant variables that appear to be overlooked in all other bilingual projects around the US; relating to personality and culture, power structure impacting language and the jobs the networks play in learning a language. â€Å"This discourse network model of the school gives the oxygen in the protected island these understudies need to learn and succeed socially and 5 scholastically. †This is a program that ideally can be adjusted by schools all around the US, to allow the workers to succeed scholastically as well as socially also.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Check List for Project Finance Essay
1. Brief portrayal of each undertaking support: organization history, foundation date, authoritative document, proprietorship, auxiliaries, center exercises. Information on supports involvement with the host nation and in the ventures business. Clarification of how the venture identifies with the backers key heading/objectives. 2. Yearly reports of the previous three years for each undertaking support. Extra necessities on account of task money for exercises in existing plants: itemized organized information for as long as three years and financial plans for the following five years on incomes (counting a breakdown of fare versus residential outside cash incomes assuming any, for nations with non-convertible cash; income blend by client, nation, and item) and costs (in detail; on account of non-convertible monetary forms, these should be gathered independently). 3. Rundown of the task concerned, including name, area, reason, hierarchical structure, proprietorship, value, security structure, status of licenses/endorsements, neighborhood accomplices, promoting and appropriation, financing. 4. Brief characterisation of the job of the host nation. For ventures with monetary forms that are not totally uninhibitedly convertible: portrayal of the measures to maintain a strategic distance from convertibility and move chance (counting escrow accounts). 5. Schematic portrayal of the agreement structure and the critical existing or proposed authoritative connections and security. 6.List of references of the general temporary worker or potentially most significant providers to the extent known; rundown of references of tantamount undertakings to report the demonstrated innovative plausibility and the involvement with the division and host nation. 7.Information on administrator/the board organization: Company history, proprietorship, center exercises, rundown of references, documentation of important involvement with industry and host nation. 8.Independent practicality study giving an account of the ventures monetary and money related feasibility and political and ecological agreeableness. Data fair and square of ability of the counsels/specialists utilized regarding branch of knowledge and geographic locale, as it identifies with the task (rundown of references). 9.The after data, if not effectively remembered for the achievability study: a) Technical portrayal, stream sheet, format b) Detailed induction of evaluated working costs (cost and amount subtleties) c)Procurement circumstance for crude materials and supplies, including relating contract reports d) Description of the administration, preparing of staff, staff expenses and capabilities e) Environmental viewpoints, ecological effect evaluation report, required natural endorsements and ecological measures, general portrayal of area and accentuation on its particular important highlights, financial and socio-social perspectives. Additionally observe our nitty gritty necessities for the natural survey. f) Discussion of the sums and propriety of the speculation esteem and the dangers with respect to time and cost overwhelms. g) Timetable for development and appointing, achievements h) Market data on the tasks items/administrations, including the cost and volume patterns for as long as 5 to 10 years; serious circumstance, current and future flexibly and request circumstance; conjecture, ID and geographic area of fundamental clients; showcasing and coordinations methodology; portrayal of the arranged advertising exercises and off-take understandings (for example take-or-pay understandings) I) Detailed undertaking costs, separated by principle classes of the key development and authorizing cost things, enthusiasm over development period, financing of working capital j) Projected acquisition of assets, including source, sum, money, time of info k) Cash stream projection over the reimbursement term of the mentioned send out credit-protected advance (counting affectability examination: a sensible base situation, an idealistic and a negative situation), clarification of how any money deficiencies will be secured l) Derivation and suspicions of the income projection, including reason at deals amount and costs, working and authoritative costs, devaluation, amortization and hindrance misfortunes, charges, expansion, conversion scale developments, send out licenses, impact of nearby government.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Sensitivity Analysis free essay sample
Affectability investigation is a method that demonstrates precisely how much an activities productivity (NPV or IRR) will change in light of a given change in a solitary info variable, different things held consistent. Affectability examination starts with a base case created utilizing anticipated qualities (in the factual sense) for every single questionable variable. At that point, each dubious variable is typically changed by a fixed rate sum above and beneath its normal worth, holding every single other variable steady at their normal qualities. In this way, all information factors aside from one are held at their base case esteems. The subsequent NPVs (or IRRs) are recorded and plotted. In spite of the fact that affectability examination is generally utilized in venture chance investigation, it has serious constraints. In the event that an info variable isn't required to differ a lot (is moderately sure), an undertaking would not be exceptionally dangerous regardless of whether an affectability investigation demonstrated NPV to be profoundly delicate to changes in that factor. All in all, an undertakings independent hazard, which is what is being estimated by affectability examination, relies upon both the affectability of its benefit to changes in key info factors just as the scopes of likely estimations of these factors. Since affectability investigation considers just the primary factor, it can give deluding results. Besides, affectability examination doesn't think about any collaborations among the dubious information factors; it considers every factor autonomously of the others. Disregarding the weaknesses, affectability examination provides directors with significant data. To begin with, it gives benefit breakeven data to the project’s unsure factors. Second, affectability examination tells administrators which input factors are generally basic to the ventures benefit, and henceforth to the project’s budgetary achievement. With such factors distinguished, administrators can invest the most energy anticipating the factors that â€Å"count,†so the assets used in the examination can be as beneficial as could reasonably be expected. Situation investigation is an independent hazard examination procedure that considers the affectability of NPV to changes in key factors, the feasible scope of variable qualities, and the collaborations among factors. To lead a situation examination, directors pick an awful situation (I. e. , low volume, low rescue esteem, etc), a normal or no doubt set, and a good†set. The subsequent info esteems are then used to ascertain NPVs for a few â€Å"scenarios,†typically three. With NPVs for the most exceedingly awful, probably, and best cases, administrators can figure out the changeability of the benefit of a task that outcomes from vulnerability. In particular, if probabilities are connected to the situations, a standard deviation of NPV can be determined. While situation examination gives valuable data about an undertakings independent hazard, it is constrained in two different ways. Initially, it just thinks about a couple of discrete conditions of the economy, and consequently gives data on just a couple of potential gainfulness results for the venture. In actuality, a practically unending number of conceivable outcomes exist. Situation examination normally contains just three results, yet it could be extended to incorporate more conditions of the economy, state, five or seven. In any case, there is a useful cutoff on what number of situations can be remembered for a situation investigation. Second, situation analysisâ€at least as regularly conductedâ€implies an exceptionally unequivocal relationship among the questionable factors. That is, it accept that all the most pessimistic scenario input esteems happen simultaneously, on the grounds that the most dire outcome imaginable is characterized by consolidating the most exceedingly terrible conceivable estimation of each unsure variable. Despite the fact that this relationship (every single most exceedingly awful worth happening together) may hold in certain circumstances, in others it may not hold. Similar conditions happen in the best case. Consequently, situation investigation will in general make outrageous benefit esteems for the most exceedingly terrible and best cases since it naturally joins all most exceedingly awful and best information esteems, regardless of whether these qualities really have just a remote possibility of happening together. A few undertakings are assessed based on limiting the current estimation of future expenses as opposed to based on the tasks NPVs. This is done in light of the fact that it is frequently difficult to distribute incomes to a specific undertaking; and it is simpler to concentrate on similar costs when two activities will deliver a similar income stream. In a traditional examination, when inflows are being limited, a higher rebate rate prompts a lower present worth, which punishes an inflow for higher hazard. In any case, to punish an outpouring for higher hazard, the surge must have a higher present worth, not a lower one. In this way, a money surge that has higher-than-normal hazard must be assessed with a lower-than-normal expense of capital. 15. The corporate expense of capital is the open door cost rate that mirrors the general hazard and obligation usage (limit) of the business. Along these lines, the corporate expense of capital is the fitting rebate rate just for ventures that have hazard and obligation limit qualities that coordinate the business in the total. The undertaking cost of capital is the fitting open door cost (markdown rate) for a specific task. For ventures with hazard and obligation limit qualities like the firm in the total, the undertaking cost of capital is equivalent to the corporate expense of capital. In any case, ventures with various qualities will have an undertaking cost of capital that contrasts from the corporate expense of capital. As a rule, ventures with more noteworthy than-normal hazard will have a task cost of capital that is more prominent than the corporate expense of capital, and undertakings with lower-than-normal hazard will have an undertaking cost of capital that is not exactly the corporate expense of capital. In spite of the fact that obligation limit contrasts ought to be thought of, by and by such contrasts are infrequently perceived
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Characteristics of Paper Help
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Friday, May 15, 2020
Effects Of On Campus Housing On College Students ...
Effects of on-campus housing on college students’ drinking behavior: A Literature Review Educational scholars have widely researched the effects of on-campus housing on the behavior of college students and one of the behavioral effects is on drinking behavior. Researchers from both the United States and New Zealand have found that students living in residential halls on campus demonstrate the greatest rates for drinking and peer pressure for drinking (Rickwood, et al., 2011.). Leontini, et al. (2015), have found that there are many factors associated with influencing student drinking such as the influence of cultural norms and belief systems, peer group pressure and belonging, etc. in addition to on-campus housing. Wechsler and Jae Eun (2001) also found that the living arrangements of college students have affected their drinking behavior and it associates on-campus housing to heavy alcohol use. In addition to drinking behavior, the effects of the â€Å"binge†drinking on the students leads to consequences such as physical injury, high-risk sexual behavior, alcohol overdose etc. All of these studies correlate the idea that if college students live on campus, then they are more inclined to take part in high-risk alcohol consumption. Therefore, understanding the gap in between off-campus living vs. on-campus living is crucial in finding out what encourages students to take part in this type of high-risk drinking behavior and how it varies in between the resident type. HarmfulShow MoreRelatedSubstance Free Housing Is An Increasingly Popular Option For Campuses1385 Words  | 6 Pagesthe early 1990s, substance-free housing has become an increasingly popular option for campuses across the nation. Substance-free housing has been implemented in universities and colleges in hopes of reducing rates of binge drinking among college students. Binge drinking can be defined as, â€Å"men drinking five or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting and for women four or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting.†(Feldman 271). Even though many know college binge drinking is a problem in our country, manyRead MoreThe Effects of Alcohol on Campus Essay1367 Words  | 6 PagesAlcohol on campus has always been a problem. Since the beginning of higher education, students have rebelled against the rules and laws of the university and the state. Underage drinking has become a nationwide pandemic. With the legal drinking age now at twenty-one, at least half of the c ollege population is underage, leaving room for more students to engage in binge drinking at fraternities, athletic events, and dorm rooms. The fact that half the students are underage makes them more rebelliousRead MoreCollege Binge Drinking As A Right Of Passage1447 Words  | 6 Pagesthe next stepping stone is college, however, students are not only learning from the classes they attend, but also from the parties. Consequently, they are being introduced to alcohol and plenty of it; learning how to shotgun a beer or attempt a keg stand is all the rage. Suddenly, people are viewing college binge drinking as a right of passage for even their youngest students. Thus, demands the questioning of lowering the drinking age to counteract college binge drinking. â€Å"The reality is that at ageRead MoreEssay on Collegiate Binge Drinking3740 Words  | 15 PagesAbstract: As recognition grows that binge drinking on colleges nationwide is more prevalent than ever, school administrators and parents alike are seeking useful intervention to combat this issue. 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Neuropsychological Effects of Substance Abuse. C†¦. The Disease Model of Addiction. D†¦. Alternative Theories of Substance Abuse Implications for Understanding Substance Abuse and Dependence in College Students. 3) POLICIES, PROGRAMMING, AND PREVENTION A†¦. Policy Development: An Essential Element in Addressing Campus Substance Abuse Issues. B†¦. From Reactive to Proactive Prevention: Promoting Ecology of Health on Campus. C†¦. Prohibition and Freshman Residence Halls:Read MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media On Youth1535 Words  | 7 Pagessocial media users are teenagers; researchers and parents both believe that social media is having a multitude of possible effects on teenagers. This literature review will analyze research of the positive and negative effects social media are having on today’s impressionable youth. Much of the research focuses on the age range of 10-16 from well-to-do families and college students. Understanding the online environment that teenagers live in can help parents relate to their children and teach then aboutRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep On Our Bodies2104 Words  | 9 Pagesof sleep. A lot of college students consider themselves lucky to get 5 hours of sleep. A health science professor at the University of Alabama, Adam Knowlden, discovered, â€Å" Sixty percent of the college population gets insufficient sleep.†College students realize they are sleepy but don’t understand all the affects it has on their bodies physically, mentally, and emotionally. So what can we do to fix this? What can your university maybe do to fix this? Sleep has more effects on our bodies thanRead MoreLeadership Development : Leadership And Decision Making Skills1809 Words  | 8 Pagesphilanthropy: Establishing a culture of service among our members is an important way Kappa encourages women to make a difference. When it comes to philanthropic endeavors, we put an emphasis on service to others and raising funds. Like Sacred Heart students, our members want to inspire minds and unleash hearts. Our philanthropic ideology focuses on efforts in three areas: local organizations, Reading Is Fundamental and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. We know inspiration often comes from personal connectionsRead MoreThe Effects Of Gun Control On Mental Health1231 Words  | 5 Pagesavailable then chances of a gun related death will increase (Mcginty et al. 2014). There hasn’t been a strong policy implemented to gun control involving mental health. However gun restriction policies have been centered on people with dangerous behaviors such as offenders who have been convicted of domestic violence and offenders who are convicted of felonies (Mcginty et al. 2014). RAT suggests that a crime will be committed if there is little preventing the crime from happening. Gun control policies
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Great Irony Of The Civil War - 1685 Words
The great irony of the Civil War is not that it tore apart families and brothers for the sake of ‘unity’ and ‘a way of life’; it is that it was caused by the very document that brought the country together. The mid-1800s were a time of great industry and change. Men made their fortunes in the North using great machines, and legions of paid workers, whereas men in the South made their fortunes on King Cotton, and the involuntary servitude of fellow Man. The Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, had no words for the institution of Slavery, or the series of actions that would herald the separation of the Union. The Constitution of the Union, however revolutionary, was not perfect. It bound the country together for 73 years, but tore it apart just as voraciously. The Constitution, prior to 1865, did not use the words ‘slave’ or ‘slavery’ once. There is only one reference to slaves in the Constitution prior to the Civil War, in Article 1, Section 2 which refers to the 3/5 Compromise, â€Å"†¦.. ,and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.†, where slaves are referred to as ‘other Persons’. Because of this ambiguity in the Constitution, the proclamations of the illegality of slavery by the North were not backed by law. Instead, the issue of slavery was reduced to a moral conflict, with the North against the institution, and the South for it. The South relied heavily on crops due to its fertile soil. Chief among these crops was cotton. It was the South’s needShow MoreRelatedAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge1100 Words  | 5 PagesAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, written by Ambrose Bierce in 1890-1891, depicts an antiwar motif of the American Civil War. Bierce uses dramatic irony, descriptive imagery and the theme of time. The war was fought from 1861 to 1865 after seven Southern slave states declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America, also known as the â€Å"Confederacy†or the â€Å"South.†The remaining states were known as the â€Å"Union†or the â€Å"North.†The war’s origin was the issue of slavery, especiallyRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Literary Analysis Essay1026 Words  | 5 Pagesinequality by employing dialogue, irony, and an extended metaphor. Through dialogue, the townspeople show contempt for blacks, viewing them and anyone who treats them as equals as inferior. This is evident in the analysis of the conversations of Bob Ewell, Mrs. Dubose, and Francis Hancock where they refer to black people as uncivilized savages. Not only does Bob Ewell, contribute to the theme through his dialogue, but his full name of Robert E. Lee Ewell provokes irony that clarifie s the racist undertonesRead MoreWilmot Proviso1205 Words  | 5 PagesWilmot Proviso It could be said that the American Civil War was brought on by Americans need to expand its territories and the one sided Mexican War. The whole debate or controversy over this expansion was David Wilmot’s (and his squad of backers: Hamlin, Brinkerhoff, and King) trying to implement the Wilmot Proviso into the funding for the Mexican territories we acquired. The proviso actually fueled the debate over slavery into the newly acquired territories by trying to make the territoriesRead More Passion for Equality Essay722 Words  | 3 Pages A Great Passion for Equality With America struggling in a state of Civil War, the nations very core was being shaken. Abraham Lincoln, who was president during this period, realized this, and delivered one of his most historically renowned speeches, quot;The Gettysburg Addressquot;. This speech addresses many concerns for the nation as a whole. Through quot;The Gettysburg Addressquot;, Lincoln clearly states his views on what the country once was, how it was during the time he was in, and whatRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1212 Words  | 5 Pagesthey were both leaders of either Russia or Animal Farm. George Orwell was a man who wrote the book Animal Farm which was based on the Russian revolution. In the book Animal Farm there are many literary elements that I will be talking about such as; irony, symbolism, personification, conflict, allegory and, analogy. George Orwell put many different types of conflict in his book Animal Farm such as; character vs character, character vs society, and character vs nature. Both Snowball and Napoleon wantRead MoreThe Meaning Of Heritage In The Color Purple By Alice Walker771 Words  | 4 PagesMany African-American quilts that were made after the Civil War and emancipation were made from scraps of clothing and other like materials. Born in 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia, Alice Walker grew up as the youngest sibling in a poor family. As a Civil Rights activist, Walker fought for the equality of all African-Americans. She is best known for her novel The Color Purple which was published in 1982. In 1973, she released the story collection In Love and Trouble which included the short story â€Å"EverydayRead MoreAmerican South And Race Relations Essay1186 Words  | 5 Pagesthe historical bible of the Civil Rights Movement. His second most influential work is Origins of the New South, 1877-1913. It was published in 1951. During his life he received several honors and recognition for his work such as the Gold Medal of the National Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, the British Academy and the Royal Historical Society, the Bancroft Prize for Origins of the New South, 1877-1913 and the Pulitzer Prize in 1982 for Mary Chesnut s Civil War. Following Woodward’s deathRead MoreThe Strange Career Of Jim Crow Essay1417 Words  | 6 Pagesthe book to be, the historical bible of the Civil Rights Movement. His second most influential work is Origins of the New South, 1877-1913. It was published in 1951. He held the Gold Medal of the National Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters and was a member of the British Academy and the Royal Historical Society. He won the Bancroft Prize for Origins of the New South, 1877-1913, as well as the Pulitzer Prize in 1982 for Mary Chesnut s Civil War. Following Woodward’s death in 1999, the S outhernRead MoreSymbolism and Literary Techniques in George Orwells Animal Farm1167 Words  | 5 PagesGeorge Orwell’s Animal Farm is an allegoric fairy tale type novel that uses irony, satire, and allegory to portray the true identity of media censored Communist Russia. Because of the relationship between America and Communist Russia during WWII, Animal Farm was not originally received with warmth because it was thought of as harmful propaganda. But then, during the Cold War, when US-USSR relations soured, George Orwell’s novel was finally read. George Orwell, the pseudonym of Eric Blair, conceivedRead MoreLovely English in The Red Badge of Courage by Henry Flemming1356 Words  | 5 PagesCourage is a great American classic, and this wonderful quote sums up the entire novel from start to finish. The novel is a novel about a solider in the civil war who deals with the difficulties of being in war. The novel follows and captures his journey using many literary elements. Crane’s use of style, plot, setting, and characters help enhance the story. The use of these literary elements helps enhance the novel and help readers understand the struggles of a solider during the civil war. The first
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Describe Romeo as a lover before and after he meets Juliet. Essay Example For Students
Describe Romeo as a lover before and after he meets Juliet. Essay Throughout the story the way in which Romeo feels and act as a lover change hugely. We can notice this even by the way he expressed himself, it is not only the meaning of the words but how he says them. By the love of Juliet his character also changes, he becomes a happier man, and jokes, his attitude is transformed, but at the same time, he is suffering immensely because of this love. He should not see Juliet because they are from different groups, Romeo is a Montague, while Juliet is a Capulet. They are really big enemies. My only love sprung from my only hate! Montagues and Capulets hate each other so by fate we know that a love between them is impossible. There is dramatic irony, we already know from this that this story is going to end sadly, with death. Romeo at the begging of the story is presented as a very passionate, young man, with complex personality. He is immature and enjoys feeling infatuated with the supposed love he feels towards Rosemary, but at the same time he is sad because it is not corresponded love. He thought Rosemary was the most beautiful woman, and that there does not exist so much beauty as the one she has, and so does not want to look at other woman. One fairer than my love? The all-seing sun neer saw her match since first the world begun. He does not believe that someone more beautiful than Juliet could exist. He spoke in a very complex and elaborated language, full of metaphors, images, and always in rhyming couplets, it shows it is an artificial love, just an obsession. His father does not know what is wrong with Romeo, Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, and makes himself and artificial night. This is said by him and refers to Romeo, and shows that therefore he was not acting normally. Romeo is sad, and so he isolates himself , he hides in the sickamore. His father even compares Romeo to a bud, As is the bad bitten by an envious worm ere he can spread his sweet leaves to the air. He thinks a worm, evilness, is eating his thoughts, and is destroying Romeo, who is young as a bud, and so it does not let him to grow and show his beauty. Romeo therefore, is not acting normally, his father sees odd things in him. When Romeo sees Juliet by the first time, he is stun by her beauty, and forgets about Rosaline. O she does teach the torches to burn bright. He thinks she is incredibly attractive. Imagery of light reaches its climate, when Romeo compares Juliet to the sun, which is the maximum of all the light, that means Juliet is the greatest light for Romeo. He immediately falls in love of her, and his character began to change, and he reinforces this by the way in which his words change. He stops using a so elaborated language. Romeos idea of love is very passionate and pure just as Juliets, and in contrast with Mercutio, Sampson, and the nurses idea of love which is a more physical love, anxious for sex, and the outward things of love. They do not understand them, and so this is what is going to isolate them even more from the rest. Romeo is really passionate, and anxious to see Juliet, he even crosses the orchard into the Capulets house, so he is putting his life in risk. He prefers to die in the orchard looking for Juliet, than dying without Juliets love. I am pierced with his shaft. This means he is too much in love. (He was pierced by cupids arrow). He is also very happy about this love, he is in very high spirits. For the first time he jokes with Mercutio about women, sexual organs, body language. They speak puns, and their dialogue is full of sexual meanings, we can see the close relationship between them. Romeo is not melancholic nor sad any more. Romeos attitude has change progressively. But we can see the contrast between their view of love. Mercutio is still the one who refers to sexual meanings, and Romeo just laughs about it, because even though, his love continues being pure, he is more romantic, he does not use sexual words, but instead uses puns in a different way. Romeo has a more idealistic view of love. From the beginning of the story Romeos love has been a pure one, the same idea of love that Juliet has. .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 , .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .postImageUrl , .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 , .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8:hover , .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8:visited , .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8:active { border:0!important; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8:active , .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8 .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc17fced2a126c57df6607495fdfbe7c8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Write an analysis of Baz Luhrman's opening sequence of Romeo and Juliet. How does it grab the audiences' attention? EssayIn conclusion, Romeo does change in all aspects, by the exception of his view towards love. With Juliet he feels real love, even though sometimes there is some artificial love, elaborated language in his speeches, but even though there is still a big change in his way of speaking. He has turned into a better man, happier, but at the same time very passionate with Juliet, and anxious to see her, and do whatever is needed for her. He prefers dying than not having Juliet, so their love is so strong that not even death can keep them apart.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Clockwork orange movie evaluation Essay Example
Clockwork orange movie evaluation Paper A Clockwork Orange is a psychological thriller that examines and analyzes the effects of a corrupt individual and societys attempts to reintegrate him. The director Stanley Kubrick depicts a deeply chilling and disturbing story of a young man by the name of Alex and is considered a menace to society who is eventually punished for his wrong doings and given the chance of a lifetime to reinvent himself. The new an innovative way to reintegrate disturbed individuals into society is through a type of conditioning that causes a nauseating reaction to violent acts for the patient. It is difficult to determine the time period of the film since Kubrick uses scenery that makes it appear as though it could take place today, tomorrow, yesterday, or even fifty years in the future making it applicable to all times. In addition, Kubrick is very cautious to use problems in society that have been evident and irksome since the beginning of man such as rape, muggings, murder, etc. With this stunning combination of societys everyday problems, A Clockwork Orange is the type of movie that appeals to all time periods and will always be applicable to the troubles that are present in todays society. We will write a custom essay sample on Clockwork orange movie evaluation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Clockwork orange movie evaluation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Clockwork orange movie evaluation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The psychological aspect of the movie is the way in which society wishes that it could deal with them through a simple program that allows the individual to be reborn in a sense and make it physically impossible for them to return to their old devious ways. The conditioned versus an unconditioned response technique is a major factor in Alexs transformation toward becoming an acceptable human being in society. During the first half of the movie before Alex undergoes treatment, he is shown with his fellow droogs or his small four member gang that creates havoc throughout England with their acts of ultra-violence where they commit heinous acts of violence and on random victims. Alex and his droogs are shown in the first scene of the movie at their favorite local hang out joint called the Korova Milkbar where they indulge themselves in drugged milk beverages. The movie never directly states what is in the milk, yet after drinking it, the droogs all seem very excited and almost imagining their environment. This leads one to believe that there was some type of an amphetamine or hallucinogen because the amphetamine would cause an increase in energy and alertness while the hallucinogens caused a sensory distortion (Kalat 94). The amphetamine is considered a stimulant which causes an increase in the activities levels and pleasure which explains the groogs eagerness to go out and expend seemingly endless amounts of energy without so much as breaking a sweat (Kalat 95). This particular milkbar is very unusual in that, the entire room is filled with sexual images of women in compromising positions that are dispersed throughout the room and available to give the laced milk from their nipples. Alex and his groogs hit the streets to begin their night of ultra-violence and it begins with the senseless beating of a drunken homeless man under a bridge. From there, the group heads out even more anxious than before and go to a home of a crippled man and his wife. Upon tricking the wife to allow them in saying they had an awful car accident, and upon entering the four boys begin to rape the woman in front of her husband while he was senselessly beaten. The only major difference between the two encounters is that the boys were a wiser and wore masks during their attack. The psychological aspect during this part of the movie is more to realize the mental capacity of the attackers. The groogs and especially Alex are not phased by the ruthless violence and desperate cries for help from their victims. Most psychologists would conclude from these observations that Alexs problems are not that he enjoys violence, but rather he had a troubled childhood along with his uninvolved parents that shaped him into the monster that he had become. It has been agreed that the majority of social development in humans is established in the earlier stages of childhood and adolescence. One aspect of the movie that infers that Alex has a unique and troubled home life is almost any scene that involves his parents. Alexs parents are very distant and unconcerned with his activities and lack of attendance at school. They are the typical example of uninvolved parents who are very uninterested in their childs activities, do not spend time with them, and may spend very little time with them (Kalat 194). This type of parenting can lead to children who are generally impulsive and undisciplined. Agreeing with this observation is that Alex may have been raised in a broken home and that his mother in the movie is not in fact his biological mother. It is believed that children in broken homes may have more difficulties in the real world have a greater difficulty with their academics, social, and emotions (Kalat 194). This could lead Alex to grow up according to the belief that his attachment was never fully developed to one parent and that he developed later in life the inability to have close relations with others. This includes his friends or groogs who he seems to simply bully around and never confide any secrets or let on that he has confidence in them. Furthermore, Alex has a constant problem with a sexual addiction where he has one night stands and orgies with random girls, yet fails to develop a substantial relationship. This lack of closeness also may have contributed to Alexs inability to identify exactly where he fit in with society and his small identity crisis that he experiences. He seems to be having trouble with his concern with decisions about the future and the quest for self-understanding because he is rather nonchalant about looking toward the future and simply lives off the constant high of his ultra-violence (Kalat 186). Alex is eventually caught for his mischievous acts and given the opportunity to undergo an experimental program to supposedly cure all his illness. The government at this time is offering a new and innovative way to cure disturbed individuals through an extreme version of conditioning. Pavlov first discovered that certain stimulants triggered natural responses in both humans and animals which he called the unconditioned response since it needed no training or reinforcement to encourage it (Kalat 207). By placing another stimulant in addition to the natural response, the animal then reacted to both the stimulant and the natural response in the same way. Alexs government used his unconditioned response of enjoying violence and attempted to correct it by injecting him with a nauseating inducing drug before being shown violent acts. In turn while watching the violent acts Alex began to learn the conditioned response that while he watched violent nature he would feel a wave of immense sickness overwhelm him. While the effects of the drug were the most prevalent Alex was shown films of graphic nature that included rape, murders, and all of the old activities of Alexs past that he used to take pleasure in. All the while, Alex listened to the music of Ludwig von Beethoven during the films in the background. Strangely enough to Alex, he begins to feel an overwhelming feeling that he simply wants to die a calm and painless death despite the fact that Beethoven had once been his favorite composer and that violence once gave him a euphoric feeling. The combination of music the nauseating feeling became the conditioned stimulus which means that they were the new stimulus that induced the conditioned response for Alex to not partake in violence. After many sessions involving this nauseating feeling associated with the violent images, Alex was released back into society and claimed to be completely cured. A simple cure was impossibility due to the fact that those who Alex had hurt in his life such as the homeless man, his groogs, and the crippled old man still had the feelings of resentment toward him. The old man began to beat on Alex with the help of the other homeless people and Alex could do nothing to defend himself but instead sat there being beaten and regaining that nauseating feeling while wanting to die due to his conditioned response. Eventually, Alex coincidentally returns to the home where he had previously raped the woman and her crippled husband recognizes Alex; he locks Alex in a room with the music of Beethoven that was played during the violent images. This unconditioned response causes Alex to go insane without having seen any violence at all. This response is a result of classical conditioning is the result that what had once prepared Alex to watch violent images now cause Alex the same feelings whether or not he is viewing the images. While in the room Alex goes to the extreme and attempts to commit suicide. This does not work and Alex is treated at the local hospital while those in charge of his classical conditioning responses were reprimanded for an inhumane process and treatment. The movie does not directly state, but it leads one to believe that Alex had some type of brain surgery to reverse his classical conditioning effects. It does not appear as though any type of extinction or a removal of the classical conditioning through any other experiments other than surgery (Kalat 210). Soon Alex is back to his old ways of demoralizing women and undisturbed by his thoughts of ultra-violence. It is evident that through this film the idea of classical conditioning being used to reprimand a human or try and change characteristics are futile. While the classical conditioning worked, it may be said that it worked too well and that Alex was unable to be reintroduced into a society where there is a constant negative reinforcement for what he sees. Even if Alex is not actively participating in the violent acts he still is negatively reinforced causing him suicidal thoughts and actions. The problem with Alexs treatment was that the only positive reinforcement, or an encouragement to achieve a conditioned response, was that he no longer craved violence or sex, although it was seemingly easy to reverse the effects of his study. Overall, Alex is a perfect case of the negative effects of classical conditioning and brings up the question if perhaps there is no simple answer to cure any disturbed individuals within a society.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
The History of Public Relations Essays
The History of Public Relations Essays The History of Public Relations Essay The History of Public Relations Essay Advanced News Public Relations were discovered in 52 B. C. E. in ancient Rome. It became a profession in the 20th Century in the United States. There, public relations were becoming popular through the development of railroads. It is stimulated in today’s rapid growing business world. The field of Public Relations is a very essential aspect with having a perfect image. Public relations professionals work diligently at creating good and reliable relations between a firm and many different individuals it represents. It deals with a variety of strategies and methods. There are multiple definitions of public relations, which makes it difficult to understand. Public Relation writes, Lattimore, Baskin, Heiman, Toth and Van Leuven provides the definition, Public relations is a leadership and management function that helps achieve organizational objectives, define philosophy, and facilitate organizational change. Public relations practitioners communicate with all relevant internal and external publics to develop positive relationships and to create consistency between organizational goals and societal expectations. Public relations practitioners develop, execute, and evaluate organizational programs that promote the exchange of influence and understanding among an organizations constiuent parts and publics (2004). Edward Bernays was an admirable figure born in Austria in 1892. After attending Cornell in 1912, he began developing his powers of persuasion as a promoter of theatre. Bernays built a career that lasted for four decades, selling consumer products to political candidates. He was a big thinker, and his stratagems were very complex, which drove others to think the way he does. For example, for the American Tobacco Company Edward persuaded people to think that in order to stay fit smoking will make that possible. He continuously promoted that â€Å"being thin was in†. Even though smoking can never be known as something good, he portrayed it to be a symbol of women’s liberation. That campaign in particular demonstrated Bernays’ innovative thinking and intellectual brilliance. He doesn’t partake in any form of smoking, but was able to persuade thousands to try it, increasing the company’s business. Another strategic approach in this campaign was asking the press to not inform people about the evidence of tobacco’s health risks, even though it was the wrong decision to make. Bernays believed that there was no such thing as bad publicity. The last years of life that he had were spent on getting even greater and his promotional skills to become a legacy in history. Today he is still known as the â€Å"father of public relations†and has left a thumbnail history of the development of the public relations industry in the United States (David). Public Relations have been popular since the twentieth century and were discovered back to ancient civilizations. It is the practice of persuading people through using communicational skills. An example is Edward Bernays who views public relations to be based on the persuasion of attitudes. It is important to have a viewpoint based off of what the majority may find interesting. This will soon target a positive view point from customers. To keep customers satisfied and comfortable with investing money into a company, it is always important to keep their best interest in mind. Through advertising and marketing, the message of the company’s purpose must be clear for customers to understand. Marketing is one of the important fields that are greatly influenced by public relations. Many organizations view public relations to be part of the marketing department. Whether it is under marketing or in its own field, a successful organization requires a well ran public relations department. There are many publics that the PR practitioner must abide by and each is controlled by various communicational skills. Publics that are inside the organizations are managers, clerks, and stock holders. Publics that are outside of the organization will be considered as the government and press. Each of these publics plays a significant role in a well-structured PR organization. There are many functions of public relations that are organizational and social. Organizational functions include: media relations, employee relations, and community relations. These are considered as organizational functions because they sustain a good relationship between the company and their consumers. Media relations focuses more so with the press. It grants the press privileges to advertise an organization the best way possible to gain popularity, which in result makes the company money (Public Relations). Employee relations are about the internal publics of the company. For example, those who work for a company have accurate information on the company’s growth and downfalls to help them excel the company’s performance in the future. Public relations are all about positivity, but are up to the people within the company to carry it out. Last, community relations reflect what the company stands for. It allows for the company to maintain its reputation of good will. The press connects on a marketing basis that insures healthy exposure for the business that is being represented. Maintaining relationships amongst other businesses, strategizing sales plans, and managing inventory of their product are just a few of their duties. They may also be involved in advertising or even in promoting. Marketing communications relates to the field of marketing that includes, constructing displays for promotional events and pamphlets that summarize what the product is and its functions. Marketing communications is what drives the costumers into buying their product. If the sign is appealing to the eye, and if the words that are used are persuading, then the community will buy into the company (Sommerfeldt). Public Relations is based on management, supervisory and technical functions that allows the organization to maintain relationships with other companies to prosper. There are many duties and expectations that public relations have. They include: representing the company well at conferences, attaining honors and awards, conducting business with the press, and having great communicational skills amongst employees (Brigden). Being successful in all four of these areas is not to impress others, but to enhance one’s career in public relations. Also these areas apply not only towards public relations, but also in media relations. Advertising plays a role in public relations, but is not entirely about making a product look appealing to consumers. PR involves informing and educating people and the target group about an organization. Advertising requires having an effective PR. Effective PR develops a bond with the customers to satisfy their needs and to provide good service to leave a good impression (Iyer). This will set growth within the company, making sells increase due to the well- structured effective PR. A very important technique within Public Relations is to control the downfall of the company through five important aspects. They involve: Crisis Detection, Crisis Management, Crisis Communication, Crisis Containment, and Crisis Recovery. I strongly believe my interest in public relations grows more day by day and I strongly believe that I am suitable for a position as such. My skills, abilities, and qualities all together allow me to be qualified at a public relations agency. I possess excellent writing skills, creativity and drive to accomplish all tasks, great organizational skills, multi-tasking ability, and ability to work well as part of a team, accuracy and attention to detail. To sum up I believe that I meet all the requirements to be in public relations. 1. Public Relations.  Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, (2011): 1. 2. Bridgen, Liz. Emotional Labour and the Pursuit of the Personal Brand: Public Relations Practitioners Use of Social Media.  Journal of Media Practice V. 12 No. 1 (2011) P. 61-76, 12. 1 (2011): 61-76 3. Conrads, David. Theres No Such Thing as Bad Publicity.  Christian Science Monitor, 90. 192 (1998): B11-B-1. 4. Dan, Lattimore. Public Relations: the Profession and the Practice. S. l. ]: Mcgraw Hill Higher Education, 2009. Print. 5. Iyer, Ganesh, David Soberman, and J. Miguel Villas-Boas. The Targeting of Advertising.  Marketing Science, 24. 3 (2005): 461-476. 6. Sommerfeldt, Erich, and Maureen Taylor. A Social Capital Approach to Improving Public Relations Efficacy: Diagnosing Internal Constraints on External Communication.  Public Relations Review V. 37 No. 3 (September 2011) P. 197-206, 37. 3 (20 11): 197-206. 7. Public Relations.  Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, (2011): 1.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Religion in the Medieval Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Religion in the Medieval Europe - Essay Example These were practiced in various ways including, divination that comprised of astrology, palm reading, interpretation of dream and reading of omens. Medical magic was also part of magical practice. It involved the use of charms, medical astrology, prayers and use of medical herbs. Other forms of practicing magic included the use of protective amulets alchemy and sorcery, which was the use of magic with an intention to harm. However, it faced opposition from the Christian religion, which viewed the use of magic as idolatry. Magic can be viewed as a religion from Etic and Emic perspectives. The initial refers to its perception from outside tradition while the latter refers to perception from within the religion. Christians, on the other hand, defined magic from what it is not. The definition was magic is neither a religion nor a science. Various groups blamed each other of practicing magic due to their varied beliefs. The church distinguished magic as not being a religion by believing t hat the church was a true religion while magic was demonic. Religion was associated with god while magic was associated with demons besides; magic was viewed to be a manipulation while prayer was viewed to be supplication (Hamilton 39). The theory of magic has an evolutionary model, which described the process to begin from magic to religion, then Christian religion that was to be taken over by science. This, however, was criticised by scholars who claimed that it was outdated, unsubstantial, unscholarly and bias. Magic was practiced in the pre modern Europe across the demographic boundaries as pagans adapted to Christianity, which accommodated them. This was due to the influence of the Arabs and scientific inventions. However, the Christians viewed magic as a cult. Magic became increasingly identifiable as definite phenomena in the medieval Europe. Until the conversion period of 300CE to 1100CE, this had acculturation characteristics including paganism coming to terms with Christia nity, beliefs adapting to new religious views. In addition, at this point, the rulers of pagan societies got themselves aligned with the church (Louise, Edward & Raudvere 10). The Christians dominated the region and introduced its own view on culture to the local community. Tension arose between the locals who were pagans and the Christians who were the intruders. The church distinguished between magic and miracles. They viewed magic as an illusion that was created by demons while miracle was real actual and non-illusory. This was more evident on the Christian writings which included book IV of Isidore of Seville’s etymology, which is against divination and demonic behaviour and practices. Belief was one important thing at this time of conversion. The church believed that magic was conducted by demons and highly condemned it. It was believed by the pagans that there were women who were capable of cutting fingerprints of the foot and performs rituals with them. In addition, so me women were dedicated to killing people through devil powers. Bishop Buchan of worms (950-1025) discouraged this. St. Benedict’s and St. Gregory the great (540-604) gave a description of how St. Benedict saw through an illusion a fire that consumed the monks which he perceived that was caused by a heath idol buried under the building. Strigae was a roman term used by pagans to refer to vampire creatures and witches. The penal code in medieval condemned the belief in the Striga who were claimed to steal children. The belief that a certain woman had experienced a nocturnal flight with the pagan gods Diana who was recognised as a Striga was
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Compare and contrast - Essay Example The main characters in Sweat are Delia, the protagonist, a black washerwoman who had been working on the laundry for white people; her husband, Sykes, the antagonist is an abusive husband openly and vagrantly practicing infidelity; Bertha, the other woman of Sykes who he sleeps with; and the townspeople at the village. On the other hand, in A Rose for Emily, the main characters are Emily Grierson, a round character is depicted by the town as a tradition; the rest of the characters are basically flat characters such as Tobe, Emily’s servant; the townspeople; mentions of Emily’s father (who died) and Homer Barron, the significant person in Emily’s life who supposedly dated her and then, disappeared. The main characters are similar in gender and being ‘talk of the town’ in some events in the story; but distinctly different in personality. Delia, despite her small frame and silent stance showed strength and courage in disposition when faced with an extre mely dangerous event (when confronted by the rattlesnake).
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
An Analysis of Jane Addams’ Newer Ideals of Peace Essay Example for Free
An Analysis of Jane Addams’ Newer Ideals of Peace Essay Jane Addams, an internationally renowned advocate of peace, became devoted in serving the people for several years. She has done numerous charitable works and became a recognized leader of Progressivism in the United States of America. This movement is a political attitude favoring reform. She was also a creative writer who authored a dozen of books and over 500 articles. One of her books was entitled â€Å"Newer Ideals of Peace†which spoke about different themes about social philosophies in life, but most especially, about peace and how it could be attained. Her book redesigned the peace movement worldwide to incorporate ideals of social justice. This paper will discuss certain perspectives that will explain Jane Addams’ way of thinking. Adams was known for her numerous thoughts and arguments in Social Philosophy. In her written piece, she considered some themes such as the matter of peace and concepts such as pluralism and democracy. This also aims to criticize how Adams looked at social calamities and situations. Adams realized the human beings’ need and urge of finding out how they could bring peace into the world. One of the known world peace movement included an act to support immigrants coming from all over the world. Although several people thought of condemning the perversity of immigrants, Adams thought otherwise. In her work, she dealt with Pluralism. She suggested that pluralism should be embraced, not feared for this will also benefit to those who could be affected. It was evident that she saw the value of cultural diversity in the United States. It kept the states from being static. He added that cultural diversity could also be used to develop relations between nations. For Addams, social development insisted that all voices be heard but she believed in the power of collective intelligence to discover common cause from that diversity. According to surveys conducted regarding the immigration issue in the states, people from different parts of the world became part of the American Tribunal, so their efforts should not be ignored. By accepting these people means bringing peace and justice to the world. Multiculturalism is a part of America’s history, which is why this should not be taken for granted or given other impression. With this movement, we could develop a sense of patriotism which, according to Addams, is a significant sentiment that may be strong enough to move masses of men out of their narrow national considerations and cautions into new reaches of human effort and affection. She affirmed that patriotism is the highest form of social emotion because it is dominated by warlike impulses. The convention is quite not capable of sweeping into itself the spirit of bravery and impassiveness that belongs to modern industrial efforts, although people defend warfare because it engenders these very qualities. She argued that one’s commitment to humanity should go beyond national borders. Addams also created a definition of democracy. According to her, democracy is far beyond seeing it as a political structure. Democracy embodied a living and social morality. She envisioned democracy as an acknowledgement that the lives of citizens are connected with one another and their relationship creates a duty to comprehend the difficulties and circumstances of fellow citizens. Reciprocity of social relations is critical for providing citizens with the compassionate foundation essential to strengthen democracy. Social arrangements became experiments in the kind of democracy that Addams endeavored to promote an active social engagement. Democracy is considered as a dynamic organism that must be able to exist with the evolution of times in order to remain vital. Addams suggested that it was time for the progression of the political institution and morality of the United States. She stated that America’s founders, created the Bill of Rights which was based upon an individual logic of morality suitable for their period. On the other hand, Addams viewed social morality as the right reaction to the contemporary rise of big cities next to the enhancements in technology and transportation that brought several individuals together. The time had come to give emphasis to the social relations essential for a pulsating democracy under the existing historical conditions. Some commentators described Addams as reforming a social democracy, one that accentuates a way of being over the political construction. Addams’ valorization of democracy did not necessitate a static object of affection. Her objective was for democracy to grow and flourish which required ongoing discussion and change. Addams had written several books that addressed issues regarding peace. It was evident in her works that she kept away from discussing ideological positions. She focused on the principles of Pacifism and how the government could help bring tranquility within the states, within their people and within other nations around the globe. Her philosophy is derived from a particular social, political and historical situation. Her theoretical work was about movements of working out tangible social issues. Addams envisioned democracy, social justice and peace as mutually reinforcing. These concepts, according to her, had to advance and move together to achieve any one. These concepts remained apparent with all of her literary works and articles. The ideals of justice were given other sides that lead to reshaping peace movement. When dealing with the matters of war around the globe, Addams pointed out several things that individuals should consider in order to embrace tranquility. She made it very clear that she saw peace as more than the absence of war. For Addams, peace represented a chance for social development because individuals were proficient of working simultaneously in order to accomplish social objectives. She viewed social evolution as developing in the direction of greater peaceful affairs and social synchronization. Collective peace was tied to individual peaceful relations such that common activism represented peace labors. On of the examples of this situation which was given by Addams involved the issue of the immigrants. Helping immigrants prosper in the United States was an act of serenity. In this manner, given her obligation to democratic social advancement achieved through combined commitment in an attempt to promote sympathetic knowledge, Addams found out and stated that war is socially regressive. When war is fought with arms, it ends coherent and dispassionate conversations impeding the agreement necessary for social growth. War makes opposing human beings into ultimate others creating the antithesis of sympathetic knowledge. Those beings were considered as someone so alien that it is possible to be terminated. Sympathetic knowledge is an experience which is imaginatively extrapolated. This concept was also visible in several of Addams’ books. This kind of knowledge was a rational effort to comprehend with other individuals. Sympathetic Knowledge belonged to a certain category in Social Philosophy in which Addams never failed to state in his books. Even though she used this with different issues, the significance remained the same. Addams also suggested social activism as the foundation that should be rallied around. Addams challenged her readers to visualize heroism in the work of social activists to improve the lives of those living within the urban zone. Engaging to social activity would be beneficial to the advancement of the states, development of the humanity and would also result to the occurrence of peace. Without the voices of individuals, nothing could change and all will remain frightened and repressed. Jane Addams saw different possibilities and chances that peace could still be attained if individuals would find a way to move together as one nation. She believes that the power to change and progress is within the hands of individuals who are willing to be involved with social activities and social awareness movement. The Newer Ideals of Peace contained somehow positive reactions toward maintain peace and orderliness. Addams probably wanted to give another approach to maintain harmony within individuals. By including different issues and situations that the nation has, Addams made a better and simpler understanding of pacifism. The author did not fail to give justice to her contemporary views. Although other commentators, like George Mead saw few points that the book lacks knowledge of, Adams surely made another break in the history of America. Her works were full of ideals which were deeply rooted within the foundations of the problems. Many of what she stated could be applicable to the nation’s settings. If individuals would learn to understand, communicate and see things positively, then that would be the time when peace and harmony could be attained.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Hacking :: science
Hacking Describe a negative aspect of ICT’s impact on the information society. Describe how ICT has brought this about and what society is has done in response to it. Abstract Hacking has been and still disease different societies suffer from. The essay aims to provide the reader with knowledge regarding the effects hacking caused to our society, and how the society responded and tried to solve or minimize those effects. Different issues regarding hacking are discussed, such as the motivations that were behind guiding hackers who were at first computer professional to perform unauthorized activities, at the same time a discussion about the types of attacks can be found. The society response to hacking attacks lacks till this moment the ability to stop or completely prevent attacks from happening because as long as security tools are developed, more sophisticated hacking attacks are invented. That’s why we should start to think about hacker’s psychology as the main way to prevent and stop attacks by understanding their needs or desires. Introduction The Oxford English Dictionary defines hacking as â€Å"cut or chop roughly; mangle: cut (one’s way)††¦ to its present definition as â€Å"gain unauthorized access (to data in a computer)†. Banks (1997:11) defines hacking as â€Å"something that boring mainframe computer operators did to improve performance and battle boredom.†Here banks focuses on boredom as the reason of hacking. A more technical definition of hacking according to Digital Guards data base (2001) is â€Å"unauthorized use, or attempts to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network.†Darlington (2001) believes hacking is not limited to accessing data or information but also includes an attack on the privacy of all people. Almost all different opinions agree on the illegality of hacking. On the other hand the word hacker is the agent of hack or hacking and it was defined as a person who enjoys accessing files whether for fun, imposing power or the interest related to the accessed files or data according to Taylor (1999). While Marotta (in Taylor, 1993) has a negative view of the hacker as a data lord, a barbarian who takes what he wants. Himanen (2001) defines hacker as any person who performs illegal actions whether they were related to computer or not which means the usage of a device apart from its functionality. Seems hacking according to Himanen is related to any illegal or unauthorized action. Seebach (1999) finds hacker as a person who feels delighted and full of joy when being able to access a system and break the security utilities but Himanen (2001) doesn’t consider hacker as a thief.
Monday, January 13, 2020
An acceptance is â€Å"a manifestation of assent to the terms [of the offer] made by the offeree in the manner invited or required by the offer. †In determining if an offeree accepted an offer and created a contract, a court will look for evidence of three factors: (1) the offeree intended to enter the contract, (2) the offeree accepted on the terms proposed by the offeror, and (3) the offeree communicated his acceptance to the offeror. Common Law: Traditional â€Å"Mirror Image†Rule The traditional contract law rule is that an acceptance must be the mirror image of the offer. Attempts by offerees to change the terms of the offer or to add new terms to it are treated as counteroffers because they impliedly indicated an intent by the offeree to reject the offer instead of being bound by its terms. However, recent years have witnessed a judicial tendency to apply the mirror image rule in more liberal fashion by holding that only material (important) variances between an offer and a purported acceptance result in an implied rejection of the offer. Even under the mirror image rule, no rejection is implied if an offereee merely asks about the terms of the offer without indicating its rejection (an inquiry regarding terms), or accepts the offer’s terms while complaining about them (a grumbling acceptance). Distinguishing among a counteroffer, an inquiry regarding terms, and a grumbling acceptance is often a difficult task. The fundamental issue, however, remains the same: Did the offeree objectively indicate a resent intent to be bound by the terms of the offer? Communication of Acceptance To accept an offer for a bilateral contract, the offeree must make the promise requested by the offer. An offeror must communicate the terms of his proposal to the offeree before an offer results. This is so because communication is a necessary component of the present intent to contract required for the creation of an offer. For similar reasons, it is generally held that an offeree must communicate his intent to be bound by the offer before a contract can be created. To accept an offer for a unilateral ontract, however, the offeree must perform the requested act. The traditional contract law rule on this point assumes that the offeror will learn of the offeree’s performance and holds that no further notice from the offeree is necessary to create a contact unless the offeror specifically requests notice. Mailbox rule Under the so-called â€Å"mailbox rule,†properly addressed and dispatched acceptances can become effective when they are dispa tched, even if they are lost and never received by the offeror. The mailbox rule protects the offeree’s reasonable belief that a binding contract was created when the acceptance was dispatched. By the same token, it exposes the offeror to the risk of being bound by an acceptance that she has never received. The offeror, however, has the ability to minimize this risk by stipulating in her offer that she must actually receive the acceptance for it to be effective. Offerors who do this maximize the time they have to revoke their offers and ensure that they will never be bound by an acceptance that they have not received. As traditionally applied by the common law of contracts, the mailbox rule would make acceptances effective upon dispatch when the offeree used a manner of communication that was expressly or impliedly authorized (invite) by the offeror. Any manner of communication suggested by the offeror (e. g. , â€Å"You may respond by mail†) would be expressly authorized, resulting in an acceptance sent by the suggested means being effective on dispatch. Unless circumstances indicated to the contrary, a manner of communication used by the offeror in making the offer would be impliedly authorize (e. . , an offer sent by mail would impliedly authorize an acceptance by), as would a manner of communication common in parties’ trade or business (e. g. , a trade usage in the parties’ business that offers are made by mail and accepted by telegram would authorize an acceptance by telegraph). Conversely, an improper dispatched acceptance or one that was nonauthorized would be effective when received, assuming that the offer was still open at that time. This placed on the offeree the risk of the offer being revoked or the acceptance being lost. The mailbox rule is often applied more liberally by courts today. A modern version applied of the mailbox rule that is sanctioned by the Restatement (Second) holds that an offer that does not indicate otherwise is considered to invite acceptance by any reasonable means of communication, and a properly dispatched acceptance sent by a reasonable means of communication within a reasonable time is effective on dispatch. The Cantu case illustrates the more liberal version of the mailbox rule. Special Acceptance Problem Areas Acceptance in Unilateral Contracts A unilateral contract involves the exchange of a promise for an act. To accept an offer to enter such a contract, the offeree must perform the requested act. As you learned in the last chapter, however, courts applying modern contract rules may prevent an offeror from revoking such an offer once the offeree has begun performance. This is achieved by holding either that a bilateral contract is created by the beginning of performance or that the offeror’s power to revoke is suspended for the period of time reasonably necessary for the offeree to complete performance. Acceptance in Bilateral Contracts A bilateral contract involves the exchange of a promise for a promise. As a general rule, to accept an offer to enter such a contract, an offeree must make the promise requested by the offer. This may be done in a variety of ways. For example, Wallace sends Stevens a detailed offer for the purchase of Steven’s business. Within the time period prescribed by the offer, Steven sends Wallace a letter that says, â€Å"I accept your offer. †Stevens has expressly accepted Wallace’s offer, creating a contract on the terms of the offer. Acceptance, however, can be implied as well as expressed. Offerees who take action that objectively indicates agreement risk the formation of a contract. For example, offerees who act in a manner that is inconsistent with an offeror’s ownership of offered property are commonly held to have accepted the offeror’s terms. So, if Arnold, a farmer, leaves 10 bushels of corn with Porter, the owner of a grocery store, saying, â€Å"Look this corn over. If you want it, it’s $5 a bushel,†and Porter sells the corn, he has mpliedly accepted Arnold’s offer. But what if Porter just let the corn sit and, when Arnold returned a week later, Porter told Arnold that he did not want it? Could Porter’s failure to act ever amount to an acceptance? Silence as Acceptance Since contract law generally requires some objective indication that an offeree intends to contract, the general rule is that an offeree’s silence, without more, is not an acceptance. In ad dition, it is generally held that an offeror cannot impose on the offeree a duty to respond to the offer. So, even if Arnold made an offer to sell corn to Porter and said, â€Å"If I don’t hear from you in three days, I’ll assume you’re buying the corn,†Porter’s silence would still not amount to acceptance. On the other hand, the circumstance of a case sometimes impose a duty on the offeree to reject the offer affirmatively or be bound by its items. These are cases in which the offeree’s silence objectively indicates an intent to accept. Customary trade practice or prior dealings between the parties may indicate that silence signals acceptance. So, if Arnold and Porter had dealt with each other on numerous occasion and Porter has always promptly returned items that her did not want, Porter’s silent retention of the goods for a week would probably constitute an acceptance. Likewise, an offeree’s silence can also operate as an acceptance if the offeree has indicated that it will. For example, Porter (the offeree) tells Arnold, â€Å"If you don’t hear from me in three days, I accept. †Finally, it is generally held that offerees who accept an offeror’s performance knowing what the offeror expects in return for his performance have impliedly accepted the offeror’s terms. So, if Apex Paving Corporation offers to do the paving work on new subdivision being developed by Majestic Homes Corporation, and Majestic fails to respond to Apex’s offer but allows Apex to do the work, most courts would hold that Majestic is bound by the terms of Apex’s offer. Acceptance When a Writing Is Anticipated Frequently, the parties to a contract intend to prepare a written draft of their agreement for both parties to sign. This is a good idea not only because the law requires written evidence of some contracts, but also ecause it provides written evidence of the terms of the agreement if a dispute arises at a later date. If a dispute arises before such a writing has been prepared or signed, however, a question may arise concerning whether the signing of the agreement was a necessary condition to the creation of a contract. A party to the agreement who now wants out of the deal may argue that the parties did not intend to be bound until both parties signed in writing. A clear expression of such intent by the parties during the negotiation process prevents the formation of a contract until both parties have signed. However, in the absence of such a clear expression of intent, the courts ask whether a reasonable person familiar with all the circumstances of the parties’ negotiations would conclude that the parties intended to be bound only when a formal agreement was signed. If it appears that the parties had concluded their negotiations and reached agreement on all the essential aspects of the transaction, most courts would probably find a contract at the time agreement was reached, even though no formal agreement had been signed. Acceptance of Ambiguous Offers. Although offerors have the power to specify the manner in which their offers can be accepted by requiring that the offeree make a return promise (a bilateral contract) or perform a specific act (a unilateral contract), often an offer is unclear about which form of acceptance is necessary to create a contract. In such a case, the offer may be accepted in any manner that is reasonable in light of the circumstances surrounding the offer. Thus, either a promise to perform or performance, if reasonable , creates a contract. Acceptance by Shipment. The Code specifically elaborates on the rule stated in the preceding section by stating that an order requesting prompt or current shipment of goods may be accepted either by a prompt promise to ship or by a prompt or current shipment of the goods [2-206(1)(b)]. So, if Apex Corporation orders 500 IBM personal computers from Marks Office Supply, to be shipped immediately, Marks could accept either promptly promising to ship the goods or by promptly shipping them. If Marks accepts by shipping, any subsequent attempt by Ampex to revoke the order will be ineffective. What if Marks did ot have 500 IBMs in stock and Marks knew that Ampex desperately needed the goods? Marks might be tempted to ship another brand of computers (that is, nonconforming goods – goods different from what the buyer ordered), hoping that Ampex would be forced by its circumstances to accept them because by the time they arrived it would be too late to get the correct goods elsewhere. M arks would argue that by shipping the wrong goods it had made a counteroffer because it had not performed the act requested by Ampex’s order. If Ampex accepts the goods, Marks could argue that Ampex has impliedly accepted the counteroffer. If Ampex rejects the goods, Marks would arguably have no liability since it did not accept the order. The Code prevents such a result by providing that prompt shipment of either conforming goods (what the order asked for) or nonconforming goods (something else) operates as an acceptance of the order [2-206(1)(b)]. This protects buyers such as Ampex because, sellers who ship the wrong goods have simultaneously accepted their offers and breached the contract by sending the wrong merchandise. But what if Marks is an honest seller merely trying to help out a customer that has placed a rush order? Must Marks expose itself to liability for breach of contract in the process? The Code prevents such a result by providing that no contract is created if the seller notifies the buyer within a reasonable time that the shipment of nonconforming goods is intended as an accommodation (an attempt to help the buyer) [2-206(1)(b)]. In this case, the shipment is merely a counteroffer that the buyer is free to accept or reject and the seller’s notification gives the buyer the opportunity t seek the goods he needs elsewhere. Who Can Accept an Offer? As the masters of their offers, offerees have the right to determine who can bind them in a contract. So, the only person with the legal power to accept an offer and create a contract is the original offeree. An attempt to accept by anyone other than the offeree is treated as an offer, because the party attempting to accept is indicating a present intent to contract on the original offer’s terms. For example, Price offers to sell his car to Waterhouse for $5,000. Anderson learns of the offer, calls Price, and attempts to accept. Anderson has made an offer that Price is free to accept or reject
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Financial Literacy Key For Creating And Sustaining...
Financial Literacy: Key to Creating and Sustaining Wealth for African Americans By Martin A. Smith | Submitted On August 21, 2013 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Martin A. Smith Legacy planning is a lifelong endeavor that requires patience, discipline, a strong work ethic and proficiency when it comes to the subject of money and taxes. Being wealthy should not only be defined in numerical terms. Otherwise, what good does having a lot of money do for the people who are unable to enjoy it, because they are not in good physical or psychological health? For example, we have all heard about celebrity athletes who, despite having earned millions of dollars while playing professional sports, find themselves in bankruptcy. A myriad of problems may have led to their financial ruin: marital infidelity resulting in divorce, hefty alimony settlements, financial illiteracy, out-of-control spending, poor investment choices, getting swindled by unscrupulous business managers, etc. Therefore, being wealthy has to entail more than having millions of dollars. Ever hear of a person who won the Lotto, only to have nothing to show for it a few short years after winning? AccordingShow MoreRelatedAn Impact Assessment of Science and Technology Policy on National Development of Nigeria61708 Words  | 247 Pagescontribute to the policy process formulation and implementation of the Ministry. 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